Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Just an update for all of you who know about what has been going on with us lately..... I got a call from our investigator today.... He finally got the guy. He admitted to his calls to me, and his sexual harassment. Apparently it was a random number he picked out of a phone book, and he doesn't know where we live. He does know people in our town because he was in jail with them (nice huh?) but doesn't know us. So that is a little bit of a relief. The investigator will be talking with the magistrate (we live in Virginia, it is a common wealth) and they will determine the charges and let us know. So.... until then.


Heather said...

Whew! Thank goodness he doesn't know where you live or who you are. I have been praying about this in hopes that you all would be safe and feel safe at home. There is nothing worse than feeling not safe in your own home. We had a break-in in Minneapolis when I was 8 months pregnant. We felt so violated of our space and scared to be in our home. So glad that this has an ending and you will be safe. How scary!!! I love you and your family. Please call to come over anytime. We would love to have you over. Love you-

Kathryn said...

Gees girly. I was wondering what the stalker stuff was all about, how scary. Glad they got the creep. What a blessing and a relief at the same time.

Read and Camille King said...

HOLY CRAP LAURA!! you had a stoker? that is crazy talk. well im glad your safe and that they caught the creep.
i love that you have your Christmas tree up already.
oh and by the way you NEED to have MORE kids, you two have such a good recipe!