Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Yes, we had our first snow fall here!!!! We were pretty excited at our house this morning, I thought our curtains were going to be torn off our window. The only disappointing thing was.... I didn't let the kids go out and play in it. Now this is definitely not Utah snow, but for our kids it doesn't matter.
So instead, we made cookies. These are perfect for letting the kids help, I cut them up, and they put them on the pan. They love it.
Payton was the big helper today, Jaxon got a little distracted (imagine that).
And while I wasn't looking this is what happens. I leave the room for 5 minutes and they tore into the cookies.
Little Ashton was quite the little go getter today, he was chasing everyone all over the house. He has become quite the speedy little crawler.
No, he isn't crying, he was getting me, he was growling at me. As little as he is... it is still kind of freaky seeing that face coming towards you. We sure laughed.
I haven't' gotten a picture of all of the kids together for awhile, this was the best I could do. Jaxon was in a mood today. :) He is the determining factor if it is successful or not.
Austin found out his rotation sites today. So I guess for the next couple of weeks we will be hashing out ideas of where we want to go. YAY! Fun stuff!


Kathryn said...

That is exciting about rotations, you will have to keep us posted on that one. getting close now to be done with rotations happening huh.

Anonymous said...

I love those kids...they are all so cute and each w/ their own little personality. I am especially amazed at how mature Payton is getting. I feel bad she won't remember who I am :(