Friday, May 8, 2009

The TOILET!!!!

Ok... sadly enough on this post NO pictures! But some entertaining stories. Tonight we went to the Sclaters house for dinner, while we were there, Jen and Tamsyn said "Uh... Laura...!!!" Pointing to the other side of the dining room was my little boy Jaxon standing in the door way with his pants down to his ankles and his diaper off, and all of his manhood revealed. Proudly he announces, "I di it, I di it' I do potty!" Austin turned to me and said... "Do you want to do it?" I told him NO, this was a mans job to be with his boy. HA HA! I was just giving them a great bonding moment. Austin showed him how to go to the bathroom but apperantly Jaxon beat him too it. He had already gone potty in the toilet. GOOD JOB JAXON!!!! We didn't even need to force him! Now... A couple stories on Payton. Now, she will probably hate me when she is older for posting these stories on a blog, but I want to remember them. A few weeks ago I was walking down our hall passing the bathroom. Out of the corner of my eye I notice Payton looking between her legs down into the toilet. I didn't pay any attention, and kept walking into the kitchen. Then I hear..."Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh Oooooohhhhhh, somethin's comin' out of my bumb!!! UH OH!!! I wonder what it could be? OHHHHHH, it's ok, it's just my poops!!!" I just died laughing. Just how she was saying it was so matter of fact. She wasn't trying to be funny! I just don't think she has ever noticed that whole process before. Enlightening I know!!! Tonight after coming home from the Sclaters for dinner, I told Payton to go directly into her room and get her jammies on. Once again in her matter of fact tone, she said, "Ummm, I need to go potty first." P.S. She was on one in the car!!!!!! So anyway she was taking forever in the bathroom and all of a sudden we hear her singing, "I am a Child of God. And he has sent me here. Has given me an eartly home with parents kind and dear." AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS! Then she got off the toilet, flushed the toilet, walked into her room put on her jammies, and all the while STILL SINGING AT THE TOP OF HER LUNGS!!! CUTE KIDS!!!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

cute laura. we love you guys. thanks for coming over yesterday. i know we werent the life of the party. you guys make me laugh. im sure walter just loved that pie!