Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Good thing my friend Jenn blogs before me! I don't have to get my camera out tonight and upload my pictures. (which are exactly the same) Time has seemed to escape me, I feel like I haven't had our friends over in so long. Now when this happens I go through withdrawals. I have been feeling the effects of it, so something had to happen. On a whim last night I decided to have Tamysn and Jenn come over for Taco Soup today. So from 12:30pm to around 4:00pm we played. Now this is impressive we had...8 children under the age of 4 in this house. It was noisy!!!! And.... Ashton managed to take a good 2 hour nap, and he could have kept on sleeping if I hadn't woken him up. After being bitterly disappointed with the unexpected rain outside today, we came back inside and turned on "Lilo and Stitch." This was "the crew" intently watching the movie for about 5 minutes.
What a cute bunch of kiddos!
So...it is a problem that happens in the Finklea house... and I think the Sclater kids have caught on too. Every time (no exaggeration) I bend over on all fours my kids immediately jump on me like I am a horse. I early on made the mistake of running through the house on all fours and now I feel like an old woman, my wrists just don't feel the same anymore. So, today I got down on the floor to pick something up, next thing you know I was swarmed from a flock of KIDS. And so here is the picture.
Thanks girls for coming out to my place today! It was lots of fun as usual and looking forward to another fun day tomorrow! (We will be bombarding Jenn, in her home)


Ashley said...

Your hair is so cute! And so are the kids. But you look great. Good job!

Jenni said...

thanks for all the fun yesterday! we really enjoyed ourselves! we cant wait till you come over today! 2 play dates in a row! wahoo!

The Holler Hinckleys said...

It looks like ya'll needed about 3 more kids... wish we could have crashed the party!!! And about this Taco Soup... I want the recipe!

brodie stacey allie said...

Ok first of all, you look awesome!! I hope I bounce back as quick as you did! Second of all, I love that Jaxon has this blanket in his mouth. That's the Jaxon I know! We miss you guys so much and cant wait until the next time we see you. (counting on next year some time) As soon as this baby comes you will be getting a webcam call so you can meet her. Crazy 87 days! YIKES!