Monday, January 24, 2011

Jaxon and the Dentist!

Poor little Jaxon has really been through it these last few months! The beginning of December Jaxon went to and Audiologist and Speech Therapist. He did not pass his screening test. They found his ear drums were not vibrating, indicating he had fluid in his middle ear. It was effecting his temporary hearing, which could have been the source of his speech delay! Jaxon made a visit to Primary Children's Hospital and had and Adnoidectomy and eartubes put in! He was a champ and did great! Last week pathetically enough, I took my kids to their first ever dentist appointment. Payton and Ashton came out fine, while poor little Jax had to visit the following day for a filling. His first cavity! Unfortunately looks like the poor kid is going to take after me. The gave him a sedative before going in, and so Austin asked if I would take some videos of him ! So here are just a few!!! BEFORE SEDATIVE


Kathryn said...

That is too funny! Cade had to be sedated 2 weeks ago and I so wish I got him on video. He thought I was a robot! Cade has 3 visits to the dentist next month, I think I will request sedation again! What did they use with Jaxon? Cade had Ketamine at the ER.

Tamsyn said...

That is hilarious!!! I love it! Poor Jaxon..whit all the Dr. visits, but at least you got some stuff figured out!! Tell him he's a trooper!