Well, a little fill in on the last month. We spent the last week of February with my sister and her family in Cleveland, along with my parents. It was Austin's last week off so we took off and headed up there for some fun. We went to "The Great Wolf Lodge." An indoor water park geared towards young children. It was pretty fun! The kids had fun and that's what we were there for.
We returned home to have my parents follow and spend a few days with us here. A few days after they left... Austin left. So... I am a lonesome dove now!
Austin is spending his time in Michigan doing a cardiology rotation. Although that would not be his field of choice, he is learning some vital skills like: the much dreaded PAPER WORK!
He spends most of his day working. Anywhere from 12-14 hours! Not much time for anything but sleeping and working.
While he is gone and busy...he has three little munchkins here that miss him terribly! They have been lacking in their daily ritual of "MONSTER" aka wrestling! I try to fill that void... just doesn't seem to be doing the trick! Something about Mom not being able to handle the jumping on the gut, while simultaneously another is running towards me and the other punching me! I never thought it would come to this but I think I have to say it.... Austin can multi task WAY better in this department.
We have been keeping busy with our daily routine.
While Payton spends 8 hours of her day at school now, that leaves only the boys to destroy the house... .which they are very good at doing. While most of the time Jaxon would be pretty content sitting down and watching a show, Ashton is more the type of a TASMANIAN DEVIL!!! Every toy finds its way out of its designated spot, only to just lie there on the floor to not be touched, and dall for what? JUST TO MAKE MORE MESS FOR ME!!!
Thank goodness for the good weather that has been coming! This last 2 weeks has been beautiful here. This week we are cooped up again, but high hopes that the clouds and rain will part soon.
Last Friday, March 12, Payton had Kite Day at school. We decided to join her.
The entire school was out on the field flying kites, while they were selling pizza, drinks and other snacks. I gave Payton $5 dollars to spend. And by the time she got home... she had 75 cents. I think she spent all of it on drinks. FUNNY GIRL!!!
Payton with her girlfriends!
Payton, Leslie,Christina
TAKE NOTE: visualize the group of teachers and where my house is... I will post a good story next!
yay! an update:) Great pictures! Looks like a hoot! Its so great you get to participate in activities like this. Im sure even though payton was off with her girlie friends she was so happy to have you around!
I am commenting so you can add my new blog to your list and delete my old one! Now I can stalk you on here as well as Facebook, just don't gross me out lol Love ya!
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