Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Pilgrim Hats

Today we made Chocolate Pilgrim Hats. This is a recipe I got from Familyfun.com. Wonderful site! So the kids had fun, but really all they wanted to do was eat the Keebler cookies.


Anonymous said...

Those are darling but I would eat every single last one of them. Ellie would love this though. Hmmm, I don't think I could resist. What is the top, a marshmallow?

Jenni said...

Ill take 5! Those look so cute laura! I might have to copy you!! Tre is havinga pilgrim & indian thing at school in 2 weeks...these would be PERFECT! (Donot worry..ill give you FULL credit! haha) YOur a great mom!

Heather said...

Yummy! How fun!

Bjorn to Rok said...

What a fun idea! I'll have to do that with Grace. What a little crafty lady you are!