Thursday, October 2, 2008


Yesterday was all about the kids. Austin stayed home from school, and did not study once. We had family time for the whole day. Austin has been studying extremely hard for school and was pretty burnt out. I had a long weekend in Utah, and it finally caught up to me yesterday. So the kids did crafts and we had one big long movie day. Starting with; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Meet the Robinsons, Halloween Diego, Transformers, and finishing it off with Night at the Museum. Little Ashton brightened our day with his goofiness. He is into everything now. He crawls up and down the hall, and can keep up with the kids pretty good now. Last night was the first time I have let Ashton cry himself to sleep. OHHHHHHHHH!!!! I have gotten into the horrible habbit of rocking him to sleep and everytime he woke up I would console him by holding and rocking him back to sleep. Since being home from Utah he has been sooooo tired, but doesn't want to go to sleep. It is almost like he has some anxiety about going to sleep. It has been rough! So finally last night I let him cry it out. Wasn't too bad. He cried for about 5 minutes.... then I went in and stood by the crib and gave him his binki. I laid him back down and he cried again for about 10 minutes and then he was out cold. I let him cry himself to sleep on his naps today too. His first nap he cried for about 10 minutes and then slept for about 20 minutes and was up. His second nap, cried for about 5 minutes and was out for 1 1/2 hours. :) Tonight putting him to bed, I laid him down at 7:30 and he cried for maybe 1 minute. :) YEAH!!!!! I think it is working. Knock on wood!!!! This is what we made yesterday!!! We are getting into the festive season. I think this is my favorite time of year. The kids are getting pretty excited about all of it too. We made four of them and have them hanging in our kitchen. Fun, fun!!!! We got the idea off of I love that site.

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Hi laura finklea:) glad you had a fabulous family day & i hope you are feeling better after a busy trip. cute ghosts...and im right with you with the crying it out. tre is sleeping inour room in a tent on an air mattress for tonight & confrence weekend so britt can ry it out when he wakes at night...and at 4am to ge up--im so tired of 4am wake up calls. haha. hope ashton catches on fast!! im sure he will! love from the sclaters!