Saturday, September 20, 2008


Last night, I dosed off on the couch. Next thing I new Austin was calling for me. " Laura, Jaxon has just thrown up everywhere." I got up and ran back to the bedroom to find a BIG BIG MESS. :) Lets just say, Austin doesn't do well with that kind of stuff. So he was dismissed back to studying. I was trying to be as quiet as possible so Payton and Ashton didn't wake up but poor little Jaxon was just a mess and he was shaking. I carried him into the bath and he was so excited. He got into the bath to get cleaned off, and warmed up. He enjoyed that while I cleaned up the mess. Well in the mean time, Payton woke up crying for her Dora stickers that were not underneath her pillow. So as I was trying to tackle those two, Ashton woke up crying. I was trying to find Payton's stickers and she was crying, Jaxon was still in the bath with the water running, and Ashton was crying in the bedroom, while I was trying to find the formula. GET THE PICTURE!!! WE WERE ALL AWAKE! At 12 am we were all awake. When Payton finally got her Dora stickers she was happy, but looking for every excuse in the world to stay awake. She was hungry, and she needed a drink, she needed to go potty, and it was too dark, and she needed to give Ashton a hug etc.......When Ashton got his bottle and finished eating he as ready to play. And when Jaxon got out of the bath he was ready to watch a show. Really!!!!! Was it going to be worth the fight for me to get them all back to sleep? Absolutely NOT! They were all happy!!! Why not enjoy them!!! We decided to go into their bedroom, lights off, no toys but have a little movie night. So we turned out Jaxon's favorite show right now. "Potta" translation "Harry Potter." The kids were in heaven. I was a little tired but not too bad. Austin was still studying. BUT.....he finally couldn't stand it any longer and he joined us around 12:45 am. We all were watching Harry Potter and having some great family time. Ashton was getting very ambitious with his crawling! He was making silly faces and sounds, and Payton and Jaxon thought that was the greatest thing in the world. What a little show off!! He knows that he is the center of attention right now. CUTE BOY!!! Jaxon multiple times attempted to pull toys out, but was quickly reminded by his sister that if he pulled toys out then he would go to bed. So after counting 1,2,3 Payton would win, and Jaxon would obey. :) he was full of loves and being a very sweet cuddly little boy with Mommy, which is kind of unusual. He is more of a Daddy's boy if he is given the option. Hey I am not complaining. I will take the loves when I can from him. He is a sweet boy! Payton was purely delighted that she was awake with her family. She was so excited and being so helpful and sweet with everyone. Maybe I will wake my kids up more often in the middle of the night :) More time she gets to hold Ashton too. What a good girl she is!!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Thats what I love about you Laura!! You take a moment that would stress out just about anyone and make it fabulous! Way to find the sunshine through the rain! Now, rub some of that off on me would ya'!! Hugs from Kentucky ya'll!